Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What are some products that tighten facial pores?

I'm going to assume your a male and don't wear makeup.

The best thing I have found for reducing the appearance of your pores is to use a weekly or twice weekly facial mask that is appropriate for your skin type. If you think face masks are to girly do them in the bathroom before or after your shower and no one has to know. Masks are really good for your skin even if your a male! Here are a few home made face mask recipes, but you can also by them at the store.

1陆 tbsp. honey

1 egg white

1/3 cup flour

Whisk the honey, egg white and then add the flour. The result should be a thick paste. Apply to face and rinse after 15 minutes or when dry.

1 egg white

1-4 drops of lemon juice

prepare and use the same as above

another home remedy is this:

1 table spoon of sugar

1 table spoon of honey

1 table spoon of olive oil.

Mix together well, then use as a cleaner, rub in the mixture gently in circular motion allover your face, avoiding the eye area.

Rinse and pat dry.

Remember, clean pores = small pores

Also always wash your face with warm water to help open your pores to clean them then rinse your face with cold water to close the pores.

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