Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Anyone use Philosophy facial products for acne?

I am curious about their acne kit and their ';On a Clear Day'; facial cleanser. Thanks!Anyone use Philosophy facial products for acne?
I've heard of some people having negative skin reactions to Philosophy products. I recommend Dermalogica, you can get a starter kit for much cheaper than buying all the pieces separately, and they have kits for both acne-prone and just oily skin.Anyone use Philosophy facial products for acne?
My daughter has had acne since she was 13, she is now 23 and still has flare ups now and again. I have taken her to dermatologist, she has tried everything under the sun. It is a considered desease. along with hormonal changes, but can be controlled and calmed down with the right regimine. Never scrub your face, it will make it worse. Use gentle cleansers like philosophy which are natural with no perfumes or harsh chemicals. Cliniques face wash is also good with their clarifying lotion and moisturizer. Just remember to be consistant with any face cleansing routine. Try not to use too much makeup , just a little for cover up . Benefit has some products that cover redness, and blemishes very well and they are also natural. None of these things I have mentioned will cause breakouts. Keep your face clean and moisturized Use a spot sacylic acid product for the mean zits and you should be good to go. Your face will calm down as you get older. Be patient Hope this helps
Try brands that actually specialize in acne for better results. Proactiv is still popular amongst many consumers. It's top ranking! See this source for why.

Another great place for support for those who have acne is!

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