Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Okay, I'm a teen with average breakouts. What is your daily facial products routine?

Do you use Clean and Clear, Olay, St. Ives, etc.? How much do they cost and when do you use them? Oh, and what do you use in the morning, and what at night? Yes, many questions, I know. Lo siento. :D Gracias, mi amigos!Okay, I'm a teen with average breakouts. What is your daily facial products routine?
I used to use practiv and it didn't work cause i didn't need it (i don't have breakouts)

Morning- Clean and clear Morning burst (wakes you up and cleans your skin and leaves a soft skin)

Night- exfoilator (cleans all the gunk out of my face and clears dirt that causes zits)

Clean and clear morning burst cleanser- $5 $6 (depends where ya go plus tax)

Exfoilator- Earth Science Gentle Facial Scrub, Apricot $7 around that (smells gross but is great for sensitive skin) you can get it at drug stores or just go to

and once a week i use a mask

mask- MUDD Facial Masque, Original $5( be sure to follow instructions or you might breakout just in case here is another mask- Queen Helene Masque, Mud Pack $3 really cheap

all at or just go to a drug store........good luck!Okay, I'm a teen with average breakouts. What is your daily facial products routine?
I use Proactiv solution and I have for years and I love it! It works quickly and doesn't dry out your skin!

I use it in the evenings after my shower and sometimes in the morning if I'm feeling like I need an extra boost.

I would definitely recommend Proactiv (you need to order if though) becuase I've used it and loved it for years, but I do have to note that a lot of my friends used it and didn't have great results. It would work well for them and then quickly acclimate to their skin or dry their skin out. I have never experienced any of these problems though!

Good luck!
Okay... twice aday use proactive.... whatever matches your skin. Ask you skin care professional too. :)
Clean and clear is cheap it doesnt work i use something my dermatologist got me called retin-a at night and in the morning clindamycin phophate.It really works!!
Clean and Clear's purple and silver acne kit. It has three different medications to stop acne, prevent pimples, and keep skin clear
I use AcneFree it is the knock off version of better though, cheaper, and you can get it at most local stores!
1. apricot scrub ( the 1 for blemishes) and clean n clear vanishing creeme
I use a Grapefruit and Tea Tree Cleansing Soap Bar ($4.50 at Midnight Fairy Inc) which is gentle on my skin. I have very sensitive skin.. so thats a must. For moisturizing I use Dove Essential Nutrients Day Lotion (Less than $5)
If you have serious problems, see a doctor. If not, you may solve your problem by using a skin regimen regularly.

You should clear your skin with a soap or liquid cleanser first, then deep cleanse and exfoliate your skin with a toner and then moisturize with a suitable moisturizer (oil free etc.). You should follow these steps twice a day. And if you have blackheads you may also use a scrub.

If you're looking for an economical alternative you may try Neutrogena, clean%26amp;clear or L'oreal pure zone (it's for below 18). But if you can afford Vichy (normaderm) or Clinique (skin type 3 or 4) is better.
I use this it's a clarifying system that keeps your face oil free for up to 12 hours and that helps you prevent less breakouts because oil is what causes us to breakout. Oil collects dirt and other debris that build up and clog inside the pore causing. I cleanse with cleanser then rinse with warm water then I tone. Toning is very important this closes your pores so oil don't get out. In order for your skin to keep oil free pores need to be toned. then I moisturize. Moisturizer contains antioxidants and the Hydrolipid Matrix, which helps hydrate, smooth, and protect against moisture loss. I do these steps twice a day. Morning and night and everyday of the week.鈥?/a>

It's been clinically proven to improve skin clarity, treat fine lines, and hydrate the skin. Noncomedogenic/nonacnegenic (won't clog pores and won't promote acne).

To learn about how you can care for skin better here and check out the website. Learn a thing or two so you can look healthier and feel better.鈥?/a>
i use a neutragena, and i got benzaclyn from my doctor
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