Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Are the biore facial products any good?

Yes they do minimize the appearance of pores.Are the biore facial products any good?
If you are referring to the facial strips, yes! I love them, and I feel that they do bring out the garbage from down deep. The first time you use them, you will be very surprised that there was that much garbage down in your facial pores, especially if you wash your face with the biore face wash first!Are the biore facial products any good?
biore is awesome. i used it to remove black head from nose one time.... continued using the facial scrub and had none since, but follow directions exactly. it said do not put strip on chin... i did and the next thing i knew i had hair growing on my chin. i had to have it laser removed. but i still use biore ..facial scrub etc
i use an anti-acne face pack...tis guuud~~!!...awesum..
yeah the strips work!!!
its all crap. if you want REAL skin care products. go to

or better yet, get one of her life altering facials. i did in late August and let me tell skin has never looked like this. i didnt think it was possible.

i bought the entire skin care line....skeptically.....but have been transformed.

by the way, Sonya herself performs all of her facials...her new clinic is in beverly hills and worth every cent.

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