Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Any good facial products?

I am getting married in 3 weeks and i am worried about the pictures. I have been using proactiv but it hasnt given me results like you see on tv. I dont break out alot just really bad the week before my cycle and a blemish here and there other days. Any suggestions.Any good facial products?
i wasn't sure if you were asking for a face wash or make up.. so i'll do both lol..

take about four aspirin and dissolve them in a few drops of water.. add in a squirt of honey and make it into a paste.. you can also add in a few vitamin e capsules if ya like.. this can be used as a scrub, mask if left on for ten minutes, and a spot treatment left on over night.. aspirin has the same active ingredient as pro active..

another thing i do as an exfoliate is i scrub my face with an electric toothbrush.. it's sounds kinda weird but it works.. it really cleans out your pores and removes dead skin, oil and dirt.. you can use any scrub ya like or the aspirin i mentioned.. i like to use st. ives.. and i do it about three times a week..

only wash your face when you wake up in the morning, before you go to bed, and after exercise.. excess washing makes your face produce extra oil..

warm water opens pores and cold closes them.. so wash with warm and rinse with cold..

also you may want to get a good toner and moisturizer.. not astringent because it contains a ton of alcohol and is rough on your skin..

and watch the make up you use.. a mineral make up is so much better for your skin.. it doesn't clog your pores or make you break out.. i like to use bare minerals make up and have for almost three years.. i love it.. a little goes a long way with it and you can get a starter kit for about sixty dollars.. if you would like to check them out their site is:

i hope this helps..Any good facial products?
Hi, I'm a licensed Esthetician and have several suggestions for you that should work. First use a good cleanser AND a lotion that fights bacteria. I strongly suggest Clear Advantage by Arbonne-you can order it on-line at It really works, trust me!

Most importantly DO NOT put anything on your skin that will strip away the natural oils, all your doing when you do this if forcing your body to produce more of what you don't want, OIL!

Don't pick at, rub or squeeze white heads, it can cause the infection to spread (yes, acne is an infection), you can permanently damage the skin and you could scar (as I'm sure you already know).

Always use LUKEWARM water, never hot.

Good Luck and Congrats! I am sure you will look beautiful on your special day,
St Ives Apricot scrub!! I love it, there are a few to choose from including blackhead and blemish control (my fave) Ive had acne all my life and I'm not kidding when i say Ive tried everything!! Ive been using st Ive's now for 2 years and my skin looks awesome so far i haven't even thought of buy anything else. great price too good luck i hope it works for you too

Heres some fun homemade masks for you

Homemade face mask for blemished skin: Take a chopped tomato, 1 tbsp of instant oatmeal, 1 tbsp lemon juice. Blend all ingredients just until combined. Apply to skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on blemished areas. Add a bit more oatmeal to thicken the mask. Leave on 10 mins. Wash with warm water.

Apple Zinger Facial Mask

(oily skin that is acne prone)

1 medium size apple (grated)

5 tablespoons of honey

Mix the grated apple and mix with honey to make a mask. Smooth over skin then let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

Face Masks for Dry Skin

Egg Yolk %26amp; Honey Mask: Take 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 teaspoon almond oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. Mix together and apply on face. Honey smoothes the skin, egg and almond oil moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores. Leave for 20 mins to half an hour.

Banana Face Mask: Mash 1/4 ripe banana and mix with half a cup natural yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

Olive oil and Egg Mask: Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. olive oil %26amp; 1 tbsp. plain yogurt. Apply on face and leave for 20 minutes.

Face Masks for Oily Skin

Egg Yolk, Avocado %26amp; Mud Facial Mask: Buy fuller鈥檚 earth mud / clay from any health store. Mix 1 tablespoon dry clay, 1 egg yolk, 1/4 of a mashed avocado and enough witch hazel to create a smooth mixture. Mud dries excess sebum while Witch hazel tones the skin.

Lemon Face Mask: Mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice with 1/4 cup ground oatmeal and 1 tbsp. yogurt. Apply on face and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

I really like using lemon juice works great for acne acne scars and dark spots also for oily skin apply once daily with a cotton ball vitamin c is a natural skin brightener so youll also have glowing skin

Go here for more homemade recipes
If you want to cover it up, try this鈥?/a>

And any of Benefit cosmetics products are pretty good. Take a look at this鈥?/a>

If you visit one of their little counters at macys they can help you and you can try their products! Good luck!
i had the same problem but i went to the doctor and he decided to prescribe me an or pill called menocyclin and its been 3 days and most of my pimples or acne bumps have gone away

i just recommend seein a doctor about it
Try to do detox, eat vege before your circle for one week, then use clarins product, it is very gentle. Good for mature skin.
Hylunia is the best! It cleared up my acne, my skin never looked better, my husbands as well, plus no chemicals or preservatives (they irritate your skin even more!) Proactive broke me out, plus did you know Proactive has the same ingredients as Neutregena??? Its just marketing!
use mary kay
I like Perricone
I tried Arbonne, but again full of chemicals. They dont like to tell you that as they say BOTANICAL. Read the fine print and you will find parabens. Hydration is the key, I use a water based product that has been tested at 100% hydration and my face shows it. Greak on wrinkles too. I use the eye cream on my upper lip area and works. NO PARABENS OR PRESERVATIVES. It is the only skin care that the Japan Government has certified as 100% natural. Most products are giving us breast cancer with the preservatives and parabens. Check out your leading brands. They use harmful chemicals to make us look good. We are all going ot be pretty in a casket. Methyl Parabens, and every other kind of paraben. Go to the breast cancer site and research parabens and you will toss you products. I buy it from a gal named Allison. She gave me the site called her email is

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