Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hi I would like to know what products could help me grow facial hair?

I have tried letting it grow out, but that doesn't seem to work.Hi I would like to know what products could help me grow facial hair?
Just keep shaving it with cheap razors lol, it麓ll come back thicker.

I麓d go into how you should get more protein in your diet since it is what hair growth comes from but it doesn麓t matter because nobody listens to me when I do lol.Hi I would like to know what products could help me grow facial hair?
There is nothing you can do to increase the rate of hair growth. Your genes determine that. If you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you can achieve the maximum hair growth, but you can't magically increase the maximum rate of growth.
Keep shaving. The more you shave the thicker it will grow. If you just let it grow out, it's going to be patchy and thin.

Just keep shaving.
You should be glad you don't have a lot of facial hair! My boyfriend should shave five times a day, his face is always so prickly!
Shave. Hair will come back thicker and darker.

P.S. You don't have to start a question with ';hi';.
Shave it all the time

It should come in quicker and faster


No guarantees
just wait and let it happen.
miracle gro for plants:D

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