Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What are some facial products that I can use if my face tends to be greasy? ?

I would really appreciate your suggestions. Much appreciated!What are some facial products that I can use if my face tends to be greasy? ?
use a daily cleansing formula and toner, and clean it everyday so dirt doesnt get into your pores and make your skin oily. you can find stuff like these at any local drug store for under 10 dollars.

Neutrogena庐 Oil-Free Acne Stress Control鈩?Power-Foam Wash鈥?/a>

Neutrogena庐 Oil-Free Acne Wash Foam Cleanser鈥?/a>

also treat everyday with moisturizer and cleanser

clear complexion foaming cleanser:鈥?/a>

moisturizer:鈥?/a>What are some facial products that I can use if my face tends to be greasy? ?
I highly recommend an Apricot scrub, it works wonders for me, and its really cheap! I also use Dove products, they have this foaming facial cleanser I use once a day and it leaves my skin very soft, and I dont get the greasy T zone. The apricot scrub also eliminates my greasiness too. There are is also a product you can buy from any pharmacy or store that sells make up, I dont know what its called but there papers for blotching, they work AWESOME!!! so when your out and about and your starting to feel a little greasy, just pull out a blotch sheet and wipe it on your face and your good to go.
Dont wash your face with just any soap and water because it will dry your skin out. You should use Clean and Clear Deep Action Cream Cleanser. Make sure it says oil-free or get one that says for Oily Skin. If you use make up make sure you get foundation that says oil free. Remember to rid your face of any make up before you go to sleep and to put moistruizer ( im sure i spelled that wrong lol ). Again make sure your moistriuizer is oil free. That's about it. Don't eat greasy foods such as peanuts or cup cakes because they give you acne and they make your face really greasy and they also make you gain weight which is bad. Anyway that's about it. Good luck.
Wash your face twice a day...once when you wake up and once before you go to bed...after using your face wash put a face cream on. Remember to only do it twice a day..or else it can get even more greasy.

Good Luck %26amp; Hope I helped

My face is really greasy, and I use Noxzema Triple Clean Cleanser w/ Triclosan.

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