Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ladies 25-35, what facial products do you use that you LOVE?

I only use one product on my face and entire body. It is Palmer's cocoa butter soap. I have used it for over 25 years now and it leaves skin soft without the sticky or dying residue. I swear by it. Although, I have been very fortunate to never have an issue with pimples or blemishes. So have never had a need for any products to aid in that situation. Another product i use is Neutrogena Sesame Oil on my skin... God bless****Ladies 25-35, what facial products do you use that you LOVE?
squeeze an orange into a bowl, mix it with some toothpaste (roughly a quarter of a tube) and leave a tea bag (green tea is best, but if you don't have any earl grey will work just as well) to brew in it for about half an hour. Put some cornflour in it to thicken it up and apply to problem skin areas. You can also put sand in it to use as an exfoliator. This magical face mask works wonders - try it :)Ladies 25-35, what facial products do you use that you LOVE?
Lori, I use the oily skin care and foundation by and my skin is in great shape. I therefore LOVE these products.
My Mum always used to mix pure orange juice with toothpaste, tea leaves and cornflower. I know this sounds crazy but I swear it works. I use it all the time now and my face doesn't look as hideous any more.
3-step cleansing kit for sensitive skin from Clinique. It's expensive, but it's really worth it

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